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SMW 17: B正确的cove的Anil Jain谈论如何保护直播内容

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体西部2017. 我是蒂姆·西格林, Contributing Editor with 流媒体 and Media Strategy Principal at ReelSolver Inc. 我有几个从布莱特考夫来的客人. 继续介绍你自己吧.

Anil耆那教的: Hi. 我的名字是Anil Jain. I'm the Executive Vice President and General Manager for our Media business at B正确的cove.

蒂姆Siglin: B正确的cove已经存在很长时间了. 多长时间?

Anil耆那教的: 13年.

蒂姆Siglin: 你在布莱特考夫工作多久了?

Anil耆那教的: 我已经在那里待了四年了.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 在那之前你的背景是什么?

Anil耆那教的: 我的背景让我在科技领域徘徊了20多年. 自2010年以来,我一直在世界媒体技术领域工作. 我在一家名为独角兽媒体的初创公司工作. 在服务器端广告插入成为一个流行术语之前,我们就开创了这个行业.

蒂姆Siglin: 大卫·莫雷尔是我的好朋友. 那里也有几个Limelight的人.

Anil耆那教的: 我们做了. 实际上有很多. So, folks that started in the CDN world that moved into video publishing and then monetization. 我是那个团队的一员, and I headed up strategic business development and corporate development and sold the company to B正确的cove the very beginning of 2014. 所以我即将完成四年学业. Then, prior to that, I'm actually a material scientist by training, but I have touched that in years.

蒂姆Siglin: 计算流体动力学,所有这些有趣的东西?

Anil耆那教的: 哦,是的. 超导体、光波导、液晶面板. The two very large companies I worked at in my past are Corning Incorporated while I was going through undergrad and grad school. And then I moved from Boston after grad school to Arizona to work at Intel Corporation. 在英特尔, I had the pleasure of being part of the team that launched Intel's first internet startup and that changed everything. 此后,我进入了创业公司.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, 这很有趣,因为我是从航空航天研究开始的, 风洞, 虽然我的工作是危机管理/公共关系. 所以当我们炸了什么东西,我就会回去,既不确认也不否认. 但是整个CFD, 压敏漆, 材料, 热烧蚀, 我们可以就此好好谈谈, 但现在不要.

Anil耆那教的: 是的,我们可以. 让我们不要. 这与流媒体相去甚远.

蒂姆Siglin: You were on a panel just a moment ago with me talking about securing the live stream. 让我们为那些不能来这里的人谈谈这个.

Anil耆那教的: 确定. 有, 很明显, a number of technical questions and solutions around securing the content of a live stream. 但 some of the points that I made during our panel session are probably the same ones that I can just reiterate here. 这是, 从根本上, 内容公司正在寻找解锁收入的生活潜力, 正确的, 无论是联播还是, 在很大程度上, 拥有体育赛事独家版权的直播活动. 我们讨论了今年夏天一些很受欢迎的打斗

蒂姆Siglin: 帕奎奥大战,梅威瑟大战.

Anil耆那教的: 完全. 对于权利人, those yielded significant revenue potential that was upside from just the linear streaming of those 正确的s. So offering that in a pay-per-view model allowed them to monetize audiences that they couldn't monetize before.

蒂姆Siglin: 但当他们将其货币化时, 他们还试图阻止那些没有付费的人访问它.

Anil耆那教的: Across the panel we talked about the fact that a lot of content protection or securitization of content is driven by those that are licensing the content—or rather, 许可人要求被许可人履行某些义务的内容. 这适用于工作室授权内容的VOD资产,而不仅仅是直播. 同样的道理也适用.

So there is an element of needing to protect those streams to make sure that you're living up to your contractual obligations and addressing liability. 但, 从根本上, the guidance that I provide and my team provides to our customers is you have to think about the ROI associated with your content protection strategy. 你会在多大程度上强制执行窃取你的内容?

The reality is that there is a distribution curve of users where there's a fringe element that will go out of their way and take extraordinary measures to pirate content.

蒂姆Siglin: 有些是为了收入,就像你说的. Some of them are doing it just because they want to try the challenge to see if they can break the system.

Anil耆那教的: 完全. 不管他们的动机是什么, 主要的一点是, 在你所有的潜在观众中, are you going to focus on those few or are you going to put your resources towards providing a compelling experience at a price point that allows you to service all those audience members who are willing to pay? 你必须玩权衡游戏才能说, "To what extent am I going to use certain technologies to actually secure my streams? And then what am I going to do when I find that people are actually violating the license?"

蒂姆Siglin: So, 说到这一点, you mentioned the licensor with the licensee being compelled to actually go out and work on that. You as a technology provider to the companies who own the 正确的s to those fights, 在某种程度上,你也有同样的义务, 这可能是写在合同里的. Are there targets that you have to hit that no more than 3% of the people are actually...

Anil耆那教的: 是的. 这是一个很好的观点. 我认为我们的服务提供商的合同中包含很多内容, 我们在这方面也要聪明, 因为这关系到最后谁来承担责任, 正确的? 我们可以向客户提供高级sla. Those are about service levels in terms of uptime and the quality of the stream and if there are other features they're using are those available, 因为他们对他们的整体模式非常重要, 正确的? When it comes to actually protecting the stream and then enforcing what streams are unprotected, what we do is we sign up to actually deliver the DRM packaging or the DRM license serving and making sure that that has a certain uptime that's functional. 但 we are not taking on the liability because we don't have visibility into what the contractual obligations are between the licensor and the licensee so it doesn't make sense for us to shoulder that.

That being said, what really matters is long-term relationships with customers. If you are going to fail to provide a service that they need, you're not going to have that business. We do 很明显 focus very much on redundancy and all the functionality that the customer needs because, 最后, 他们必须提供这种体验,因为这是实实在在的钱.

蒂姆Siglin: 绝对. 阿尼尔,非常感谢你的宝贵时间.

Anil耆那教的: 这是我的荣幸. 很高兴和你谈话.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Q&A: Google Cloud's Anil Jain Explains How Generative AI Is Driving Digital Transformation for M&E和DTC

对于Anil Jain来说, leading the Strategic Consumer Industries team for Google Cloud has meant helping traditional media companies embrace cloud and AI, 转向以opex为中心的商业模式, and adapt to a more development-oriented mindset in engineering and product management. 在这次采访中, Jain discusses the global shift to cloud-based operations in the media industry, the ways generative AI is disrupting everything from production to packaging to all aspects of the user experience, 媒体公司应该害怕什么,如果他们还没有.

SMW 17: B正确的cove的David Sayed谈论上下文感知编码

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews B正确的cove VP of Product Marketing at 流媒体 West 2017.

SMW 17: Deluxe的Rick Phelps谈论全方位服务广播内容交付

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林采访豪华娱乐高级副总裁, 广播销售里克·菲尔普斯在2017年流媒体西部.